WFOT News June 2024 (angl.)

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WFOT News June 2024

WFOT E-News provides updates on recent events and activities of WFOT and our member and partner organisations. WFOT now publishes E-news each month to meet your information needs. 

In this issue:


WFOT Advocacy Strategy

A new section has been added to the WFOT website that describes the strategy used by WFOT for our involvement in advocacy. Resources include new and updated video presentations to explain the use of advocacy; Innovation Change Agency Narratives to illustrate how advocacy has created positive change in our profession; tools and resources that help with engaging in advocacy; and World Occupational Therapy Day products to promote awareness of occupational therapy.

Access WFOT Advocacy Strategy
World Health Assembly Rehabilitation Resolution

The landmark Resolution, Strengthening rehabilitation in health systems, was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the World Health Assembly in May 2023. A guidance note was developed by international organisations, including WFOT to support the translation of this Resolution into advocacy. The goal of the advocacy is to promote the inclusion of occupational therapy and other rehabilitation services within universal health coverage. For more information, go to the WFOT website.


Volunteers Needed -
QUEST Common Indicator Set Pilot Trial

WFOT is recruiting occupational therapy service leaders and managers to participate in pilot testing the QUEST (Quality Evaluation Strategy Tool) Common Indicator Set.

The Common Indicator Set builds on previous work of WFOT with QUEST. The QUEST Common Indicator Set identifies 19 quality indicators applicable to services provided by all occupational therapists, regardless of geographic location, practice settings and populations served.

Please go to the link for more information or to participate in the Pilot Trial.

For more information about QUEST, including an online course, manual and videos, go to the QUEST webpage on the WFOT website. 

New Resources for Working in
Humanitarian Settings

Free Online Course - Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury

The AIM-T (Activity Independence Measure-Trauma (AIM-T) is a new evidence-based assessment tool to support the rehabilitation of people who have experienced traumatic injury. Developed and validated in humanitarian settings by leading humanitarian organisations, AIM-T measures independence in daily life activities. For more information, go to Recovery of functioning after injury in humanitarian settings | HI. An online training course regarding this assessment tool is available at AIM-T e-learning

Rehabilitation matters - The appeal made by people in conflict-affected areas

A new publication from Humanity & Inclusion, Rehabilitation matters - The appeal made by people in conflict-affected areas highlights the importance of access to rehabilitation in the context of victim assistance during and after conflict. For more information, go to

WHO Training in Assistance Products (TAP) – Wheelchairs in Emergencies

WHO recently released a new module regarding the provision of a wheelchair in an emergency situation. The five-hour online module outlines four service steps. This module in the TAP emergencies stream follows the earlier release of a more general session on the provision of assistive products in emergencies. The free module is available from the World Health Organization website 


Member Organisation News

This month news is available from the following organisations:

(AOTRG) - Arab Occupational Therapy Regional Group

Canada - Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists / Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes

Jamaica - Occupational Therapy Association of Jamaica

Japan - Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists

New Zealand - Occupational Therapy New Zealand / Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa

Portugal - Associacao Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais

Rwanda - Rwanda Occupational Therapy Association

Saudi Arabia - Saudi Occupational Therapy Association

Taiwan - Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association
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